Théa Medical Library

Αποτελεί μία μοναδική συλλογή βιβλίων από την Théa, με ποικίλη θεματολογία γύρω από την οφθαλμολογία και τις οφθαλμικές παθήσεις.

Καλώς ήρθατε στη βιβλιοθήκη μας.
Εδώ μπορείτε βρείτε τις εκδόσεις μας.


Dry Eye Disease and Ophthalmic Surgery

Prof. Béatrice Cochener

Prof. José Manuel Benítez del Castillo

Ocular-Surface-Disease-and-Meibomian-Gland-Dysfunction-A-Clinical-Handbook COVER

Ocular Surface Disease and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. A Clinical Handbook

Prof. Kostas Boboridis

AMD An Overview Of Clinical Forms

Oudy Semoun
Alexandra Miere
Mayer Srour
Eric Souied
And the Ophthalmology Creteil team

Non-Glaucomatous Visual Field Defects

Maria Isabel Canut Jordana
Gema Rebollenda Fernandez
Andres Fernandez-Vega Cueto-Felgueroso
Marta Marmol Diaz

Glaucoma Stories

Prof. Florent Aptel
Prof. Jean-Francois Rouland

The Eye in History

Mr. Richard Keeler
Prof. Harminder S Dua

Diabetic Retinopathy

Dr. Maciej Gawecki

Eyelid & Conjunctival Tumors

Dr. Olivier Galatoire
Dr. Christine Levy-Gabriel
Dr. Mathieu Zmuda

OCT & Glaucoma

Prof. Jean-Paul Renard
Prof. Antoine Labbé
Prof. Christophe Baudouin

Modern update of ocular and orbital Ultrasound

Prof. Dr. med. Mario de La Torre
Dr. Michel Puech
Dr. Peter Good

History of ophthalmology told by posted stamps

Thierry ZEYEN
Prof. Dr. Em. of Ophthalmology

Nutrition for eye health: fact or fiction?

Professor Alfredo Garcia Layana
Professor Angelo Maria Minnella

Practical OCT-Angiography

Dr Sylvia Nghiêm-Buffet
Sandrine Ayrault
Dr Corinne Delahaye-Mazza
Dr Typhaine Grenet
Dr Gabriel Quentel
Dr Franck Fajnkuchen
Pr Salomon Yves Cohen
Preface by Pr Eric Souied

OCT and optic nerve

Professor Jean-Philippe Nordmann
Glaucome Center – Quinze-Vingts Hospital, Paris

Chronic Corneal Ulcers

Pr Marc Muraine & Dr Julie Gueudry
Ophthalmology Department – University Hospital Charles Nicolle, Rouen, France

Pr Bernard Duchesne
Ophthalmology Department – University Hospital Liège, Belgium

Dr François Majo – MD, PhD, Privat Docent
Ophthalmic Hospital Jules-Gonin – Lausanne University – Lausanne, Switzerland

OCT and Retina

Dr. Marie-Bénédicte Rougier, Pr. Marie-Noëlle Delyfer, Pr. Jean-François Korobelnik
Bordeaux Universitaire Hospital, France

Abak, pure technology in a bottle

After ten years of research, Théa invented in the 1990’s the first multi-dose bottle capable of dispensing preservative-free eye drops, so enabling ophthalmogists to treat patients whilst protecting their full visual potential.


Prof. Christophe Baudouin
Quinze-Vingts National Hospital Center
for Ophthalmology and Vision Institute,
Paris, France

The Chibret Family

Through five generations of Chibret and 6 portraits, this brochure outlines their approaches to  entrepreneurship and innovation, and portrays their strong personalities brimming with ideas and energy. They all shared the same desire to do business and the same passion for research and ophthalmology.